Yearly archives: 2014

Archery GB January Challenge

We seem to have made quite an impact on the Archery GB January Challenge results.  Highlights include:-

Nik Langdon – 12th in Class 1 (Gents Recurve Novice)

Mark O’Halloran – 12th in Class 2 ( Gents Recurve 2nd year)

Sara Crozier – 12th in Class 4 ( Ladies Novice)

(12 seems to be our number)

Kane Kennedy – 7th in Class 8 ( Longbow)

Will Wetherall – 13th = in Class 14 ( Compound)


All scores can be found here

2014 January Challenge – Scores V4


Brixham Archers scores here

Brixham Archers January Challenge 2014

Winter League Extension

Quite a few members have not managed to shoot the last round which was due yesterday. We have therefore extended this round by a further week. Please can you let members know that we will collect the scores next Wednesday evening (12th)




Recent events

From Monday 13th January:
Malcolm, and one of the Academy’s teachers, have been running a series of after school sessions
using the “Arrows” adaptive training kit. These sessions are for “cluster” junior school pupils
attending sports training at Paignton Community and Sports Academy.
These introductory sessions have been run with emphasis on participation and FUN. Around 16
children attended each of the sessions.
As of writing this report, one of these children has since joined in a formal beginners course being
run by Paul at South Devon College.

4th February:

Paul, Malcolm and Noddy went to South Devon College in order to prepare the method of hanging
the arrow stop netting that is to be needed when starting the next Beginners course as part of
Brixham Archers’ “Participation” project.

6th February:

The South Devon College Beginners course overseen by Paul with the help of Noddy, Malcolm
and a couple of coaching trainees, started at this new Brixham Archers’ “Satellite” club.

7th February:
Malcolm attended the new Broadhempston Archery Club to oversee the start of the new club’s first
Beginners course.
Brixham Archers have been advising and helping some villagers from Broadhempston village to set
up their own club after it became apparent that there was enough local interest to try to set up a
Quite a lot of the villagers first attended two beginners courses run especially for them by Brixham

Archers in order to learn the basics.

8th February:

Paul, once again attended and helped coach at the DCAS Junior Training Session at Exeter. All
young archers throughout Devon and Cornwall are invited to join in these sessions. This is
particularly useful for youngsters from clubs that unfortunately as yet don’t have their own coaches.

11th February:

Instead of the usual shooting session on the Tuesday evening, the club held the second

“Brainstorming” session. This gives members the opportunity of airing thoughts and suggestions as
to what they would like to be seen done – or even volunteer to start new initiatives.
One of the main decisions taken was to start Junior only sessions on Wednesdays at 5-00 till 7-00
pm and also on Saturdays between 9-00 and 11-00 am. These sessions will be planned and run by
volunteer parents who will ask for a coach to attend from time to time.
17th February:
Monday evenings starting from 7-00 pm.
Another series of group coaching based upon the Archery GB “Drills and Skills” has started and
still in progress.
Malcolm is again conducting these sessions which include presentations on Posture, Alignment,
Execution and Strength and Conditioning.
The practical side of these workshops include the use of Miming, Clinibands, Light Training Bows
and a little with competition bows.
An overhead video camera set on delay, allows the trainees to watch their own posture, alignment
and execution.
Malcolm is already seeing an improvement in all the trainees.
22nd February:
Malcolm organised and ran a group session specifically relating to the basic setting up of a recurve
Those attending were shown how to set up a bow with accessories from scratch. Each participant
was then able to check their own specs and record them to paper.
Topics covered were:
Learning how to adjust the limb bolts safely before assembling a bow. This is necessary in order to
be able to set an appropriate limb poundage with a suitable top and bottom tiller.
Explaining a “Tiller setting”
Mentioning the various limb alignment systems.
Understanding the importance of string length to allow the correct brace height with the appropriate
number of twists in the string to allow adjustments when tuning.
Putting on a suitable arrow rest and string nocking points.
Setting a basic button pressure and centre shot position as a starting point.
Mounting a sight and the importance of setting up a basic sight picture with the aperture relating to
the string and bow alignment.
Understanding basic balance setting when adding various stabilisers.
After the basic adjustments were understood and made, each archer was then given the
opportunity to shoot their own equipment and make minor adjustments to their own set-up.

25th February:

We welcomed students from the Devon Studio School for an introductory session with Malcolm, Julie, Nik, Sharon and of course “Miss Ward”, our own Nix,  providing coaching for some very talented students.  All had a very fulfilling time, with a number of the 17 yr olds expressing interest in the sport,  and we look forward to more contact with this new educational establishment.

28th February:
Malcolm was invited to run an archery session for another group of children with behavioural
difficulties. On being warned that these 6 – 11 year old children had “extreme” difficulties, Malcolm
decided that for the first session it may be safer to use the “adaptive” arrows kit.
This was to be the correct choice!
When Malcolm, assisted by Julie arrived at the special unit, it took a short while to get through the
several security measures of locked and alarmed doors. Every single door was linked to a security
The first sight through security glass into the main hall, accompanied by the screams, swearing
and unruly behaviour of the children, may have been enough to put most people off even trying to
However the hall was temporarily emptied and we were able to set up the Arrows kit.
Without detailing events we were able to facilitate four children at a time, each accompanied by
there own “assistant”.
Attention span is very short for these unfortunate children so each session with four children only
lasted 15 minutes.
Fortunately the chosen children actually acted in a relatively good manner for us.
I would like to think that they enjoyed the experience but at this stage I would not like to allow them
to use real bows and arrows!
The staff must have thought that the event went well, as we were asked if we would consider
returning at a later date.
What a very sad life these youngsters seem to be having! Do any of them have a reasonable
Also on the 28th:
Malcolm held a string making workshop at the unit.
Finding out the recommended string length or using a previous good string as a template.
Choosing the make and type of string – the advantages and disadvantages.
Choosing the appropriate number of strands to gain most advantage with particular arrows.
Choosing the string colour relating to limb colour and type of light available.
Choosing the end loop serving material
Choosing the centre serving material and how to arrive at a perfect nock fit.
Making a new string as above.
Test shooting the new “perfect string”
3rd and 5th March:
What a difference! Brixham Archers were asked to facilitate four blocks of archery sessions for
children from another Paignton School – two sessions on Monday and two sessions on
Each session has 18 children of 8 – 11 years of age and four staff. The sessions needed more
volunteer members to help run the events.
Basic barebow/point of aim method was taught using real bows and arrows.
When all were relatively able, fun shooting and balloons were introduced. The children didn’t seem
to want to leave. Lots of happy noise and encouragement!
The Monday sessions children were a delight and a credit to their school!
Looking forward to the Wednesday sessions.
Upcoming events:

8th March:
Malcolm and Paul will be coaching the DCAS juniors again at Exeter. Hopefully some of our own
youngsters will be attending.
9th March:
Brixham Archers indoor unit is being used by DCAS to run the first pilot of a new certificated “Field
Captain’s” course.

New Club Banners

We need to consider designing and ordering new banners ready for the outdoor season.

Does anyone have a particular penchant to come up with an eye popping design. Perhaps ask for ideas on our web page or facebook page.

I would be prepared to award a £10 voucher towards buying equipment to the designer of the chosen design!



Indoor Unit unavailable Sunday 9th March.

The indoor unit will not be available for shooting on Sunday 9th March.
DCAS are using the unit between 0900 and 1700 to run a new certified ‘Field Captain’s’ course?
Five Brixham Archers will be attending the course.

The Churston field should still be available. If anyone does shoot at the Churston field on Sunday, please put the targets on the left hand side of the field marker cone!

School Archery Sessions

The next school archery sessions are at our indoor unit on Monday 3rd March from 0930 till 1130 – staffed by:
Malcolm, Ian, Stephen. (anyone else?)
and 1230 till 1430 – staffed by:
Malcolm, Jerry, Alan, Sharon, Stephen (anyone else?)

and Wednesday 5th March from: 0930 till 1130 – staffed by:
Malcolm, Ian, Judith, Nix (anyone else?)
and 1230 till 1430 – staffed by:
Malcolm, Jerry, Alan, Sharon, Nik, Derek. (anyone else?)

Paul will try to help in between work schedule.
Anyone else that would like to volunteer, please let me know.

The Wednesday “Old Codgers” session is changed to Tuesday for this week.