Beginners Courses

Interested in Archery, want to learn more? Attend our Beginners course

Before you join any archery club you will need to complete a beginners’ course, which will introduce you to the sport and teach you how to shoot safely.
We take any participants from any age, however, we find that under 9’s generally do not have the required strength to successfully hold and shoot a bow.  Please note that under 14s must be accompanied by an adult to all sessions. (We often find that accompanying adults are desperate to join in once they see what it’s all about, so please consider signing up for a course from the beginning as we may not be able to squeeze you in later!)

Archery is also very inclusive and the standard shooting style can be easily adapted so if you would like to take a beginners’ course and feel that you may have to adjust the way you shoot due to a disability or health concern, please feel free to discuss this with our coaches at any time.

We run courses throughout the year as and when demand dictates.

Each course is run over four consecutive weeks, with all equipment included for the duration of the course.

Course fees and location

The costs for the course:
Single person booking – £60
Family booking – £60 for the first person, and then £40 for any other family member.

If you are interested in attending one of our courses please submit an
online booking form below, or download the paper booking form and return to us using the details on the form.

We will then contact you when we have an upcoming beginners course and
offer you a place on one.

After when you have accepted an offer of a place on a course, it is only
secured when payment has been received. Payment can be made by bank
transfer to our account ‘Brixham Archers CIC’, sort code 30-88-04
Account number 24113768 if you are unable to make payment by bank transfer please
e-mail the beginners e-mail address and alternative arrangements can be discussed.

Please only to send payment once we have arranged dates and times with
you for your course.

Junior beginners online application

Junior beginners application form download

Senior beginners online application

Senior beginners application form download

Please read the ‘Frequently asked’ questions below for further information.

Course Content

Our Beginners course is delivered over four sessions:

Session 1

  • Have an understanding of range safety
  • Know the means of ‘Fast’ and ‘Come Down’
  • Know the meaning of whistles on the shooting line
  • Demonstrate correct handling of arrows
  • Demonstrate correct T draw posture
  • Demonstrate the ability to shoot barebow
  • Demonstrate safe collect of arrows
  • Know the etiquette expected on the shooting line

Session 2

  • Demonstrate safe stringing of a recurve bow
  • Demonstrate Mediterranean draw used in freestyle archery
  • Demonstrate operation of a sight bar
  • what is meant by “archer’s paradox”
  • Know that there are a number of different aiming techniques
  • Demonstrate an understanding of range safety

Session 3

  • Know the different styles of archery
  • Know the different bow types
  • Know that it is important to have a consistent anchor point
  • Know how to record target archery scores
  • Demonstrate safe stringing and de-stringing of a recurve bow
  • Demonstrate safe shooting

Session 4

  • Demonstrate the etiquette expected on the shooting line
  • Demonstrate safe shooting
  • Demonstrate a consistent anchor point
  • Demonstrate recording target archery scores
  • Have an understanding of the structure of archery governing bodies in the UK and Worldwide
  • Know about awards and classifications
  • Know how to join an archery club

Frequently Asked Questions about your Beginners’ Courses

Who will be teaching me?

All our coaches/instructors are members of Brixham Archers who give up their time freely to teach and promote archery.

How long is the course?
You book and pay for four lessons over four consecutive weeks. Each lesson is approximately two hours long. The course is structured over the four weeks so we recommend that you are able to attend each session. The course costs £60 per person.

Where do the lessons take place?
Beginner courses are currently held at our Indoor Range at Brixham Community College in Brixham.

Are the lessons indoors or outdoors?
All lessons take place indoors.

What should I wear?
Clothing should be well fitting tops, not loose sleeves or baggy jumpers, There is minimal heating, so several thin layers is advised. Comfortable flat shoes or trainers (no open-toed footwear please).  Long hair should be tied back away from the face.

Is there an age limit?
The recommended minimum age is about 9 years due to the physical demands of archery and no maximum age limit.  Any juniors under the age of 14 must be supervised on the shooting line by a parent or guardian.  We ask that any parents who are not staying with juniors aged 14 to 18 make sure that they know what time they should collect their children, and leave a contact number in case of emergency.

Will I need to bring any archery equipment of my own?
No, it is all provided by Brixham Archers.

What sort of bow will I be shooting?
We only teach beginners using the “Recurve” style of bow. This will give you the “basics” of shooting and enable you to shoot other styles such as longbow, flatbow or compound later.

Is it strenuous?
The training bows are lightweight, but yes it is a “physical” sport. Should you feel any pain or muscle ache please tell your trainer immediately. If you have a disability which you think may affect your training, please inform the course organiser when you book onto the course.

How big a group will I be trained in?
There are normally about 12 booked onto each course. We aim to deliver coaching on a one-to-one basis. This is not always possible and sometimes one coach will look after two students.

What happens at the end of the course?

All successful candidates are awarded a certificate.  This can be used to prove a basic level of competency to join an archery club.  During the course, you will be given information about joining Brixham Archers as a full member.