DCAS Summer Postals

Dear members


Due to the number of events held over the summer period Chris and myself will not be holding a summer club competition. Instead we will be concentrating efforts in the Devon and Cornwall Summer Postals and encourage all members to take part. We have entered the following teams:


1 team Compound Long Warwick – team of 3 senior compound archers 2 doz @ 80yds and 2 doz @ 60yds


2 team Recurve Long Warwick – teams of 3 non compound archers 2 doz @ 80yds and 2 doz @ 60yds


1 team Longbow Short Warwick – team of 3 longbow archers 2 doz @ 50yds and 2 doz @ 40yds


1 team Recurve Short Warwick – team of 3 non compound archers 2 doz @ 50yds and 2 doz @ 40yds


1 team Junior Short Warwick – team of U16 archers one of which may be compound 2 doz @ 30yds and 2 doz @ 20yds


All rounds are 5 zone scoring on a 122cm face with 6 sighters allowed at the longest distance


We have entered a variety of catagories to ensure all abilities are catered for. Please can you review the above and decide which catagory you would like to have a bash at. Please can you shoot your rounds as soon as possible and remember you can only shoot in this event once per month with your first score counting and only in one category per month.


Happy shooting
