Club Constitution

Brixham Archers CIC – Company number 7329164

General Provisions

  1. The Club shall be called “Brixham Archers” which, for this purpose, includes “Brixham Archers Juniors” hereinafter referred to as the Club.
    1. The funds of the Club shall be vested in the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
    2. All monies and sums received on behalf of the Club shall remain the property of the Club and there will be no distribution of such funds amongst the members.
    3. In the event of disbandment of the Club its funds and equipment and all assets will be held in trust by three (3) trustees appointed at the final meeting and should the Club not re-form after a period of one (1) year the trustees should consider releasing the assets for the benefit of archery.
    1. The objects of the Club shall be the promotion and encouragement of archery in all it’s forms, other than bowhunting.
    2. The club is committed to a safe environment. As well as adhering to all of the safety rules and guidelines within the Archery GB Rules of Shooting, we have also adopted the Archery GB “Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy”.
  2. The postal address of the Club shall be that of the Secretary.
  3. The Constitution of the Club shall not be altered or amended except at Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
  4. Members wishing to move a proposition to alter the Constitution shall submit such proposition to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days before the next Annual General Meeting. Notice of such proposition shall be sent to all members entitled to receive notice of such meeting.


  1. Members under 18 will be Junior Members.
  2. All members shall accept the jurisdiction of the Club and conform to such conditions, shooting rules, data protection rules and regulations as may be determined from time to time.
  3. A person who is a professional archer shall not have membership of the Club. (A professional archer is one who uses his skill in shooting with the bow and arrow as a means of making his living).
  4. If, in the opinion of the majority of the members of the Club, any shooting member shall have been guilty of conduct which makes it undesirable that such member should remain a member of the Club, the Club may, after affording such member a reasonable opportunity of a hearing, expel such member from membership.


  1. Shall be payable on the 1st August. Subscriptions shall be at rates determined from time to time by the members in General Meeting. Each prospective archer shall pay a beginners subscription for the duration of a beginners course and will then be eligible to apply for membership.

Target Fees

  1. In addition to the payment of the Annual Subscription, all members shall be up to date with target fees before shooting. Target Fees shall be at rates determined from time to time by members in General Meeting.


  1. The management of the Club’s affairs shall be entrusted to the Club Committee.
  2. The Club Committee shall consist of a maximum of twelve members of which a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually by the members in General Meeting along with a maximum of eight other members of the Committee who shall be appointed by the Committee to fill the posts of Child Protection Officer, Equipment Officer, Tournament Organiser, Web/Publicity Officer, Field Archery Officer, Grounds Maintenance Officer, and Social Organiser. A Junior Representative will be invited to attend committee meetings. Other positions such as Records Officer and Trophies Officer can be carried out by members without being committee members.
  3. The Members in General Meeting may invite any lady or gentleman it wishes, to honour for service to the community, Archery or to the Club, to the office of President for a period of two years


  1. An auditor shall be appointed annually by the members in General Meeting


  1. The Club Committee shall cause to be prepared and shall present to the Annual General Meeting an audited Balance Sheet showing the financial position of the Club as at 31st March for each year together with an Income and Expenditure Account for the twelve months ending on that day.
  2. Deleted (May 2000)

General Meetings

  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of June. Not less than twenty-one days notice of such meeting shall be sent to each member.
  2. At the Annual General Meeting the business shall include:
    1. The Annual Report and Accounts
    2. Election of Officers and Committee
    3. Any matters arising from clauses 5 and 6
    4. Appointment of Auditor

Extraordinary General Meetings

  1. The Club Committee may, or at the request of three or more members, shall, call an Extraordinary General Meeting.  Not less than twenty-one days notice of such meeting shall be sent to each member.  Notice of any proposition which it is intended to move shall be sent to all members entitled to receive notice of the meeting.

Voting and Quorum

  1. At all General Meetings,one third of the registered numbers of members shall form a quorum each member shall be entitled to one vote the Chair shall, if required, be entitled to cast an additional deciding vote.
  2. The Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and one member shall have full power to act in an emergency.

Shooting Regulations

  1. Shooting will be conducted according to (a) such Club Rules as are in force from time to time and (b) the regulations of either Archery GB or the NFAS whichever is deemed appropriate to the session by the Field Captain.

Last Modified July 2020.