Monthly archives: March 2025

Brixham Archers CIC – UK Record Status & Rose Award Status Tournament – Sunday 25th May 2025

Churston Grammar School Sports Field, Brixham, Devon, TQ5 0LH

All Day 12-dozen Rounds:
York – 100/80/60yds: Men, U21 Men,
Hereford/Bristol I – 80/60/50yds: 50+ Men, U18 Men, Women, U21 Women
Bristol II – 60/50/40yds: U16 Men, 50+ Women, U18 Women
Bristol III – 50/40/30yds: U15 Men, U16 Women, U15 Women
Bristol IV- 40/30/20yds: U14 Men, U14 Women
Bristol V- 30/20/10yds: U12 Men, U12 Women

Afternoon 6-dozen Rounds
Long National – 80/50yds : 50+ Men, Men, U21 Men, U18 Men, Women, U21 Women
National – 60/50yds: U16 Men, 50+ Women, U18 Women
National 50 – 50/40yds: U15 Men, U 16 Women, U15 Women
National 40 – 40/30yds: U14 Men, U14 Women
National 30 – 30/20yds: U12 Men, U12 Women

Archers may enter rounds above their age group if desired and will be eligible for awards.

Archers may enter rounds below their age group but will not be eligible for awards.
Currently, 50+ archers cannot claim Rose Awards shooting 50+ rounds – only senior and junior awards available. See the Archery GB website for further details:
To claim a Rose Award, please complete the form available at the Registration tent.

Registration & Session Times
Entry to the venue from 08:00
Registration from 08:30
Assembly for 12-dozen Rounds–09:30
Assembly for 6-dozen Rounds–13:30 (approximately)
Please ensure you bring your proof of AGB membership for presentation at registration.

Four archers per boss in two details of two. Arrows will be shot in ends of six.

The venue is a school sports field and all arrows MUST be found.
It is the archer’s responsibility to ensure that all arrows and parts of are accounted for and not left on the field.
Remember that metal detectors will not detect full-carbon arrows.
Entry to the tournament will be taken as acceptance of these conditions.

Lady/Lord Paramount

Ann Gillbanks, Phil Gillbanks, Phillip Rees, Rich Carpenter

Entry Fee
12-dozen Rounds – Seniors £17.00, Juniors £10.00
6-dozen Rounds – Seniors £11.00, Juniors £7.00
Entries only accepted with correct fee. Entries are not confirmed until payment has been received.
Late entries and refunds at discretion of TO.
NO refunds made after the closing date (Sunday 11thMay 2025).

Electronic entries via form on our website at
Age groups are based on calendar year, e.g. if an archer turns 16 at any time during the year they enter as U18.
Closing date for entries – Sunday 11th May 2025

Rule 307 Dress regulations: No blue jeans or tops/shirts bearing non-archery related logo

The tournament will be conducted according to Archery GB Rules of Shooting. Only members of Archery GB or World Archery are permitted to shoot at this tournament.

Drug Testing
Record status tournaments will be liable for drug testing and competitors approached to give samples must comply. If they refuse, that refusal will be treated as a positive result

Anyone wishing to take photographs/video at this event must sign the register at the Registration tent.
If you are concerned about any photography and videos taking place at this event, or do not wish to be photographed please contact the Tournament Organiser directly

Bacon/sausage butties & burgers from 08:00 – 09:30 and lunch (for lunch please place your orders at the catering tent by 12:00 to avoid disappointment).
For vegetarian/vegan requirements please enquire with the Tournament Organiser before the closing date (Sunday 11th May 2025).
Hot and cold drinks and snacks/cakes will be available throughout the day

Brixham Archers CIC or their members cannot take any responsibility for injury or any loss from, or damage to, any vehicle or equipment howsoever caused. Entry to the tournament will be taken as acceptance of these conditions.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
When you enter the competition, the following information may be collected and shared with tournament organisers, scoring systems and other competitors for example target lists, and results may be published showing first names, surname, gender, bow style, age category, Club (and ID),Round, Disabled (Y/N), Disability Info. Juniors Date of Birth is only used for checking correct round shot. Contact information such as email, addresses & phone numbers will not be published and only available to the Tournament Organiser to enable them to contact the archer if required to do so. Entry to the tournament means you are agreeing to this

Tournament Organiser
Bill Swain
Phone: 07970 557509

Open Rose Tournament 2025
Junior shooting as Senior
Do you require a shooting stool/space on the line for your wheelchair
Are you able to move on and off the line in the time allowed?
Do you intend to bring an assistant/agent?
Do you require assistance with collecting/drawing arrows?
Able bodied archers
Round entered *
Bow Style
Class Entered (Note: Age groups are based on calendar year, e.g. if an archer turns 16 at any time during the year they enter as U18)
Payment method
I am a member of Archery GB / World Archery
Data Protection / GDPR
When you enter the competition, the following information may be collected and shared with tournament organisers, scoring systems and other competitors for example target lists, and results may be published showing first names, surname, gender, bow style, date of birth/age category, Club (and ID), County (and ID), Region (and ID), Round, Disabled (Y/N), Disability Info. By signing the entry form you are agreeing to this. If you explicitly wish these details NOT to be shared please tick this box